Core Beliefs

Core Beliefs are deeply held beliefs that stem from childhood. There are negative and positive core beliefs. A list of common negative core beliefs is as following:

I’m not good enough    I’m ugly

I’m worthless                 I’m boring

I’m stupid                        I’m a bad person

I’m unlovable                  I’m undeserving

Think about 2 pairs of sunglasses and on the lenses of the 1st one is written “I’m unlovable” and then on the 2nd pair of sunglasses lenes is the positive core belief of “I am loveable”. If you put on the glasses of, “I’m unlovable” then all your decisions will be based on seeing through those lenses. Thus, keeping you trapped in the lie of “I’m unlovable.” You miss out on living the joy filled life that you were born to have. Living in fear affects all aspects of your life. However, if you put on sunglasses and view through the lenses of, “I’m loveable” then your decisions will be based off this positive core belief. Thus, giving you the ability to not be trapped in fear and live in truth that you were created out of love for love. When we view life through the positive core beliefs then we are living life, filled with joy of our existence. We are free to experience all human emotions joy, happiness, sadness, anger, fear. Instead of being trapped in bondage of just fear.

Core Beliefs stem typically from the type of attachment we have with our parents/care takers as children. How well are physical, emotional, and mental health needs were met by them. Since we are all human and not perfect no one has a complete secure attachment. Humans are broken people who handle life circumstances differently, some healthier than others. Children have no idea how to cope with one or more of their physical, emotional, mental needs not being met. They instead only know how to internalize that something must be wrong with them. Thus, the birth of the negative core beliefs in a child’s mind. Then as one grows one tries to compensate for this feeling of being “unlovable” and it affects every decision and life stage. It grows into a weighted chain that you are locked in, until you work to identify what the negative core belief is that is held you captive in fear for so long.  

Know that you can be set free in the bondage and lies that you have operated from since childhood. It takes you and only you. You have the strength within you to know the truth and not live in the lies of fear any longer. Counseling is a great place to work through your negative core beliefs and learn the skills to live the life you always dream about.

I’m here to walk alongside of you,
